Curriculum Vitae 2014
Essays, Letters to the Editor, PowerPoints
Loss of oestrus and concealed ovulation in primates
Muslim Americans and Terrorist Attacks in the US
Is Breastfeeding Advocacy Anti-Feminist?
"A Worldwide Average Age of Weaning?" -- or "That Pesky 4.2 Years Figure"
"Breastfeeding as a Human Rights Issue"
Breastfeeding vs. Lactation (2005) Why a child nursing from a non-lactating mother is not child abuse
Why breastfeeding is more than just milk (X-rated, for references to sex)
Examples of societies where children nurse for many years
Response to Rhonda Graham's column bashing moms who breastfeed in public
PowerPoint Presentations on Breasts
"Court Letter" -- no longer available -- electronic copy, words of wisdom from Elizabeth Baldwin
2015 Court Letter --
"Extended Breastfeeding and the Law"
"Is Breastfeeding Really a Visitation Issue" by Elizabeth N. Baldwin (1993)
Scholarly Publications (peer-reviewed)
2004 "When to Wean: Biological vs. Cultural Perspectives" -- Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology
1998-99 "Evolutionary Medicine & Breastfeeding: Implications for Research & Pediatric Advice" -- Skomp Lecture, Indiana Unversity
1995 "Beauty & the Breast: The Cultural Context of Breastfeeding in the United States"
1995 "A Time to Wean: The Hominid Blueprint for the Natural Age of Weaning in Modern Human Populations"
1992 "Infant Feeding Practices and Growth" -- Annual Review of Anthropology; coauthored with Claudia Fishman
1992 "Nutritional Status of Adults in Rural Mali"
1991 "Paleopathology and Compassion" AJPA
1989 "Styles of Infant Feeding: Parental/Caretaker Control of Food Consumption in Young Children" -- American Anthropologist
1988 "More than Nutrition: Breastfeeding in Urban Mali" -- Medical Anthropology Quarterly
1987 "Breastfeeding and Weaning in Mali: Cultural Context and Hard Data," Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 633-644
1986 "Infant Feeding in Mali, West Africa: Variations in Belief and Practice" SSM
Books & Documentaries
Book Reviews (reviews written by Kathy Dettwyler)
Terrains of Ignorance -- a lecture by Dr. Marlys Witte (1995)
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1988 "More than Nutrition: Breastfeeding in Urban Mali" --
Medical Anthropology Quarterly